Sunday, October 21, 2012

eDrum Kit

Here is a picture of my eDrum kit.  It is a converted acoustic kit.  I was lucky enough to win an ebay auction for AU$25 for the entire kit minus stool.  It was advertised as not sounding very good and having a broken snare stand so I guess there was little interest in it?  Anyway I wasn't interested in the sound as my plan was to convert it to an eDrum and the stand was easily fixed anyway.

The trigger to MIDI module is my own hybrid design.  It is based on a PIC16F877A micro as are many designs on the internet.  The analogue inputs are taken from Admir's project site here  The software is developed from scratch by myself - just because I was interested.

It currently has 8 trigger inputs and 8 buttons that I use to start/stop songs within the DAW on the host computer.  It connects to the computer using serial interface running at 115200baud to assist in reducing latency.

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